Neal, that is impressive. I would say that I follow you on the research piece, and conduct my work similarly. But you lost me with excel! I approximate that (sort of?) in various Google docs, where I organize notes on secondary and primary materials, but in an admittedly much more haphazard way. As a result, I sometimes forget about some piece of research that I had dug up months earlier, and never incorporate. I wish I were as systematized as you! Would you consider sharing a screenshot of an excel sheet? Thank you for sharing!! Julie
Julie, thanks for reaching out to me. Really enjoyed THE PLAZA (I'm hoping that's you). Having written about NYC skyscrapers in the 20s, I'm a big fan of all such books.
The systemization definitely helps and happy to discuss it with you offline as well. It's made me a much more efficient writer and researcher.
I am a quilter! What a wonderful metaphor. So many spring to mind while building a thing that provides comfort. I love imagining someone wrapped up in it. And, quilting, though solitary art making, is a metaphor for the art of collaborative theatre making, (see Pig Iron Theatre) thanks for this….
Neal, that is impressive. I would say that I follow you on the research piece, and conduct my work similarly. But you lost me with excel! I approximate that (sort of?) in various Google docs, where I organize notes on secondary and primary materials, but in an admittedly much more haphazard way. As a result, I sometimes forget about some piece of research that I had dug up months earlier, and never incorporate. I wish I were as systematized as you! Would you consider sharing a screenshot of an excel sheet? Thank you for sharing!! Julie
Julie, thanks for reaching out to me. Really enjoyed THE PLAZA (I'm hoping that's you). Having written about NYC skyscrapers in the 20s, I'm a big fan of all such books.
The systemization definitely helps and happy to discuss it with you offline as well. It's made me a much more efficient writer and researcher.
I'll amend my post to add an excel shot!
Thank you! I love your books! Would to love to chat offline. I’m at satowjulie@gmail
This is such a wonderful blend of personality, legacy, and craft.
Thanks Kari and love your tagline now!
I am a quilter! What a wonderful metaphor. So many spring to mind while building a thing that provides comfort. I love imagining someone wrapped up in it. And, quilting, though solitary art making, is a metaphor for the art of collaborative theatre making, (see Pig Iron Theatre) thanks for this….
My pleasure Terry. You and my youngest should collaborate :) she's quite the seamstress now.